Fun Video Day
Well, this was going to be a catch-you-up-on-our-holiday-adventures post...but as I was going through photos I came across this video gem that didn't make it to the blog earlier. As some of you know, Simon has been sick (fever since Sunday--finally down to 99.8 degrees last night), and the poor thing has been rather miserable. So I thought it would do Andy and I some good to have a reminder of the happy, goofy Simon we've been missing the past few days!
New Trick--Blowing Raspberries (a.k.a. "I am SO hilarious!"):
Like father, like son. :)
The Fighting Librarian, At
12:26 PM
So cute!! We should all make ourselves laugh a little bit ;) Hope your little guy is feeling better soon.
Gertie, At
9:57 PM
Dear Simon--
You are so wierd.
And you are a wierdo like Wierd Al.
I love you.
I thought that you blowing raspberries was funny.
And lego batman is already here again.
Ben (as dictated to Jen)
Anonymous, At
5:43 PM
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