Mr. & Mrs. Gubbins & Sons

Sunday, October 21, 2007

More Cute Kid Photos

Some of you may be wondering just how many more posts we can get out of visiting with our adorable niece and nephew...and really, hasn't anything else exciting happened in our lives since then?

Well, no, nothing exciting HAS happened since then. It's been all work and no play for the Gubbins'. And so I figure we are entitled to at least one more post featuring Ellie & Ben--it may not be current news in our lives, but its a heck of a lot cuter than anything that's been happening since they left!

Some days Ben napped and Ellie didn't...a few times she sat on my lap while I knit, and told me all kinds of things! I was knitting mittens for Pickle (recently finished, photos to come at some point!), so Ellie asked me all kinds of questions about Pickle..."will Pickle be my cousin?" "when will Pickle come?" We had the best conversations! And for a little girl just about to turn 4, Ellie was very patient--she just sat there for 1/2 an hour, twirling my needles while I knit, telling me stories and asking questions--I think its my favorite memory from the whole week.

Uncle Andy attempting a double-airplane ride with both kids at once--it was brief, but highly entertaining for all involved (including the onlookers!)

Uncle Andy was also giving rides in the laundry basket--fun for everyone. Luckily, he didn't start this potentially back-breaking practice until the last day of the visit, so while the kids begged for more and more and more, at least it was only one afternoon's worth of lifting :).

We once had a video camera. It was a well-loved little handheld Canon mini-DV camera...but it died. It was a good 6 years old and had been well-used, so we weren't too upset or shocked when it started fading away. However, we have yet to replace it. Our deadline is baby's the meantime, we've discovered that our new still camera takes much better video than our old still camera. So I thought I'd take this excuse of a cute kid video to test out uploading video clips to blogger, just so we're ready to show off Pickle when s/he arrives. Behold, the entertaining antics of Ellie & Ben, playing with Uncle Andy (video is about 35 seconds long):


  • Great photos! And a reminder of a lovely week with the best grandchildren ever (so far, of course!) My favorite time in the week was dancing in the kitchen to rock and roll music while Ben, Ellie, Grandpa and I made an apple dessert with the apples we picked. Grandpa and I even did the jitterbug. Too bad you didn't capture that on video!


    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 11:14 PM  

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