Mr. & Mrs. Gubbins & Sons

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

3 months old!

Hey everybody, I'm already three months old! That's right, while you weren't looking, I went and grew up into a fully interactive infant--no more lay around, do nothing but sleep all day, newborn behavior for me! Oh no, I'm a big baby now, and I want to play!

Just look how big I am!

This past weekend, we went to Red Wing to see our friends and spend some time with Grandma & Grandpa. Here are a few photos from our weekend fun.

Simon's first trip to Grandpa & Grandma's farm, outside Red Wing

Playing with Grandma and Uncle Pete


Re-introductions--Simon, this is Elsie!

This time, they actually paid attention to each other! (Well, when you held them within a foot of each other's faces, at least...)

We all took a lovely walk at a park in Red Wing

And, a few photos of everyday life with a three-month-old:

Simon always gets a story before bed. Now that he'll sometimes actually look at the pictures in the book, we're trying to read to him more at other times, too. As you can see, at this particular moment he is more interested in his hands :).

Tummy time: still not Simon's favorite, but he's doing better--look how high that head is!

We're trying to get Simon outside as much as we can, on the nicer days--we figure the fresh air is good for him (he does seem to sleep better those nights when he's been out and about!), and the exercise is certainly good for us.

And, as either a 3-month gift to us, or an April Fools Day joke (depending on whether the trend continues or he reverts back to his old ways), Simon slept until 5:00 am last night! Wooohooo! 8:30 pm to 5:00 am (and then back to sleep after eating, until 8:00 am)...aaaah, to possibly get full nights of sleep we dare hope for a repeat tonight?


  • For those of us looking for the light at the end of the sleepless night tunnel as well, here's hoping that it wasn't a fluke! (And that our bundle of joy follows quickly in Simon's footsteps :) )

    --Jen and Adam

    By Blogger Teranu, At 11:45 AM  

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