Mr. & Mrs. Gubbins & Sons

Monday, August 21, 2006

Current Project: Basement

On the home improvement front, we are currently working on our basement. We have a renter who needs to move in by September 1st, so suddenly the basement has taken priority. One half of the basement is finished...and I just "finished" one half of that space--"the bedroom"--today. As you can see, I even made curtains, all by myself! (And yes, I know they're not quite even...I should have washed the material BEFORE sewing, apparently...but ask me if I care about that extra half-inch...)

The "living room" half of the finished half is still full of boxes and stuff, but is basically ready once we move our stuff out and vacuum. Before all this activity, yesterday we sprayed the entire basement with Raid to hint to all those creepy-crawlies that it was time to move out. Then, vacuuming up the dead spiders in the finished room was oh so much fun late last night. :-P

The non-finished half of the basement was similarly sprayed, but not yet vacuumed, because it requires a great deal more work first. We (mostly Andy) have been scraping this lovely wall, which had some lovely mildew-y-ness/peeling paint, etc...then we'll be painting it with a mildew-attacking white primer/paint. And THEN we'll vacuum up the cobwebs and tackle the floor, which appears to have not been cleaned in at least five years. After that, it's on to moving furniture and storage stuff back into this room, and then, hopefully, it will be ready for our renter to co-occupy with us.


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