Mr. & Mrs. Gubbins & Sons

Friday, September 30, 2005

G. Stanley Hall: aka "The Man"

It has been quite the busy week. After post-handing-in FYP euphoria, I realized that I was in charege of a 1.5 hour class session on Friday (today), on the topic of G. Stanley Hall, one of his studies "The contents of children's minds" and his general contribution to psychology. Oh, and I would be traveling in the middle of the week for QUINCE research...and Andy and I had our first community ed ballroom dance class on Monday...and we met with our wedding photographer on Tuesday night to see the oh-so-fabulous album she made from our photos to entice new clients. So it was a busy week.

The good news: I MADE IT! I gave my presentation this morning, with just the usual amount of stumbling, rambling, and technical difficulties, and all went basically well. It helps when you end the class with a round of G. Stanley Hall-themed Jeopardy! ala PowerPoint, with candy for the winners, I think :). So for those of you who don't know (and I don't care if you don't care, because I just HAD to care for a class), G. Stanley Hall was, among other things, the founder and first president of the American Psychological Association, the first person to receive a PhD in psychology in the US (from Harvard, 1878), and held the first professorship in psychology in the US (at Johns Hopkins, 1884). There you have it, the one sentence version of my presentation. Oh, and here's his picture:


  • Jess, you're going to be my inspiration for this week!

    I have a similarly crazy week coming up...last week I was tasked with writing this big cable about what the US govt is doing on HIV/AIDS in Cambodia, about which I know precisely nothing. Then I had a million useful meetings already scheduled, so I couldn't get started on it as soon as I would like, and the people who were supposed to fill me in, just sent me reams of documents instead of actually sitting down with me and giving me the scoop.

    To top it all off, I had already committed to giving a presentation on the role that labor plays in domestic politics in Manila next week. Catch is that I don't know the role that labor plays, but I figure I should. So, if you can come up with a good class on G. Stanley Hall in the middle of all that you had going on, I can come up with a presentation on labor and domestic politics. I just wish I had you here to help with Powerpoint!

    By Blogger Jen, At 10:38 AM  

  • You can do it, Jen!

    By Blogger Jessica, At 5:03 PM  

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