Mr. & Mrs. Gubbins & Sons

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Packing Up

As you may have noticed, our blog posts have been rather sporadic lately. It's been a busy summer, with Andy finishing up his internship, and Jess home with Simon all day and trying to get work done during naps and after bedtime. And now, sadly and not-so-sadly, its time for us to leave Northfield, call the internship experience "done" and resume our previous lives in St. Paul--well not exactly our previous lives, as we now have a baby, of course!

We'll be moving next in, the stuff will go Wednesday when we have a U-Haul, and we'll have a day or two to wrap up any loose ends before we actually need to be out of our current house.

It's been a fun few weeks here, though. Weekend before last we had a bouncy castle party, thanks to Pete's inspiration. While we weren't so sure about the idea at first, it was a blast--bouncy castles aren't just for kids, as it turns out :).

Simon is over 7 months old now. This past week, he's been working hard on getting teeth in--we thought it was the top two front teeth, until we took a closer look and saw that FOUR top teeth were all about to break through! The third cut through the gums today, and hopefully the fourth will be soon, because he has been a little crankypants...when he's not being charming, that is. He's increasing his babbling vocabulary daily, it seems, if you catch him in the mood to talk. If you try to coerce him into babbling for you, he often decides he has better things to do!

Jess's folks were here this past weekend for a visit. That gave Andy and I a chance to start thinking about a packing strategy while Grandma and Grandpa got re-acquainted with Simon.

That may be all for a while from us--see you on the other side of the move!


  • Look at those happy grandparents! It's just amazing what a cute little grandson does for a grandparent's disposition!
    Simon's Grandma

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 10:20 PM  

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