Mr. & Mrs. Gubbins & Sons

Saturday, November 05, 2005

alone for the weekend

Andy is gone this weekend, participating in a Nelson family tradition (for the males, anyway): deer hunting. So, while he is gone being stereotypically masculine, what am I doing? Oh, staying home, knitting, doing laundry, that sort of thing. Honestly, you'd think this was us:

But anyway, we don't have any exciting news in our lives to report, but we are pleased to announce that BOJ is born! Katie & Alex have a brand new baby girl, named Abigail Anne, who was born on October 30. I hope they don't mind that I borrowed this picture from their blog:

So congratulations to them! Little Abbie and the whole family are all doing well, we hear.

As a side note, Hard-Working-Jess made a brief appearance this morning, when a whole half-an-hour was spent on homework! Alas, she has slipped away again...


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