sealed fate
The dates for my department's 2006 written preliminary examinations have been set: July 18 & 19.
For those of you who are far enough from grad school that you either don't know or don't remember what prelims are: be thankful.
Those of you who have been through prelims already and survived...
...well, just don't prance around saying "it's no big deal, you'll do fine" too proudly--we all know you were just as freaked out as I am when they were the next big hurdle on your horizon.
For those of you who are far enough from grad school that you either don't know or don't remember what prelims are: be thankful.
Those of you who have been through prelims already and survived...
...well, just don't prance around saying "it's no big deal, you'll do fine" too proudly--we all know you were just as freaked out as I am when they were the next big hurdle on your horizon.
Okay, well, it IS a big deal, but you WILL do fine. :p
And because of the early date, you'll have six weeks left in summer to relax and erase all memories of the dreaded event. That's definitely the best part.
Anonymous, At
10:29 PM
Take my advice: afterwards, drink heavily.
sprocketplug, At
10:36 PM
I second the drinking heavily afterward. It will assist in erasing all memories as well. Jess, are you up for a bender immediately following?
Anonymous, At
10:38 AM
Sounds like an excellent idea, Pea. Shall we make it a date?
Jessica, At
4:01 PM
What, the Sprocketplug is not invited? Come on, I'll buy you both a drink.
sprocketplug, At
7:49 AM
Oh, the sprocketplug is definitely invited, even if he weren't buying drinks (but now that you've offered...) :-)
Jessica, At
3:29 PM
How about instead of drinking heavy afterwards you just get someone to kick you in the liver. Cheaper and less painful in the end. Seriously, I don't see why you guys get so worked up about a little test that determines whether or not you are grad school worthy.
Anonymous, At
9:00 AM
Leif, does your suggestion perhaps have something to do with the fact that you recently spent 4 hours in the middle of the night hugging a toilet bowl and crying and wishing someone had just kicked you in the liver instead?
How about this, you feel free to not worry about the little test that "determines whether or not YOU are grad school worthy" and allow us to worry about the test that will determine whether or not WE are gradschool worthy. Ok? Sheesh!
And Sproketplug, thanks for the drink!
Anonymous, At
7:38 PM
I'll make it a double.
sprocketplug, At
7:10 AM
heh heh, yeah, this is why i bailed on grad school. well, that and everyone at loyola were all chodes, plus i've found a new direction and love it.
jess, drink up and drink often. and don't worry about the test, if you fail, they usually let you take it again.
Anonymous, At
8:59 PM
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